Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design

Last week I began module 2 of The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design, an e-course featuring Rachael Taylor, an amazing British surface pattern designer. Module 1 was great and module 2 has been even better! It's the first time I take an e-course and so far it has been amazing, I've been sketching a lot, making patterns and collections and sharing thoughts and experiences with a lot of great people from all over the globe. I feel more creative and happy about my work. I'm sharing with you some of the designs I've done so far. I still have a long way to go, and I can't wait to keep going!

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Yesterday Nature was quite generous here in Montreal.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New promo kit

Here's my new promotional material. Once again Moo did a great job! This time I created a regular postcard, with space at the back so I can right a message, an interactive card, to cut and hang, and also some round stickers with a funny koala bear and another weird animals. I also printed some patterns and cut them in different shapes to make the envelopes. Hope my clients and my hopefully future clients like it!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Bug City

I did this Bug city for the October issue of Chickadee Magazine. There's a lot of details, so it took me some time to do it, but I love the result!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Home Sweet Home Licensing Collection

Here's  a licensing collection I created. I felt like drawing the things that make my apartment my home, that make me feel comfortable and safe. I don't have a cat, but since I love them a lot, I decided to draw cats anyway, because I will definitely have some in the future. This collection is available for licensing. I would also be interested in being represented by a licensing agent.

And since I'm talking about licensing, I have some news. Next week I will start to virtually attend a surface design course, with surface pattern designer Rachael Taylor. I never did an e-course before, but I think I will like the flexibility of  it. I hope to learn a lot about the business and the making of patterns. Here's the link: The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design